Osteoarthritis & the fear of movement
It is natural to have hesitations to moving when moving is uncomfortable or sore, Physio can help you overcome this and others barriers you may have to moving your body.
Community Highlight
Meet ONFORM Pilates community member, Diane Robinson as she chats about the difference Pilates has made to her life and her new book, Nikolai’s Quest.
Is Exercise really bad for your Arthritis?
We debunk the myth that exercise is bad for your osteoarthritis. Change this negative belief and experience how exercise can really help you live well.
At home Pilates for the win
Looking to get stronger, and feel better this year? Pilates is a great choice. Check out tips to make your at home Pilates practise a success
Christmas Biscotti – Our ONFORM Pilates tradition
At ONFROM we always make a big batch of this to treat our amazing clients at Christmas time.
The healing benefits of Pilates / Dancing for Joy!
Experiencing joy through movement has always played a significant role in my life! After taking my first ballet class at three years old, I haven't been able to sit still ever since! Movement isn't so joyful however when you are injured! I experienced the healing...