27 Feb 2018 Moving well – it’s high up on the list of things that make you feel like your winning at life.
To move well, we need to learn the skills of stability and control. We need to practise. To actually move. To join a group. To start training our bodies.
We may hide it well, but the truth is sometimes we don’t start because we are afraid. We may have told ourselves….
“I’m too old”…
“It’s too late for that”…
“I’m not flexible enough”..
“I’m not the right look for that”…
“I’m too injured”…
“It’ll be emabrassing”…
“It’s just for women”…
These are actually all myths! One thing is true…you either use it, or lose it. Pain, injury, busyness, life…it’ll happen! And it reduces our mobility steadily. Unless we do something about it.
Pilates is about making really great movers, for now and for the future.
It’s never too late to start.
Where you are, is where you are, and it’s the perfect place to begin.
You’re not broken, and learning the right movement skills, can and will help your recovery.
You can’t do it wrong, so there’s no need to worry!
Pilates was orginally created by a man, and it’s great for everyone! Men, Women, Teens! Everyone’s invited!
You can learn how to stabilise your core. You can learn control. You CAN increase your mobility, and your balance, and coordination. These are skills that are worth so much in life! Worthy of the investment and the practice!